
Project | 210m² Remodel of Existing Dwelling (112m²)

Build Route | General Builder

Construction | Traditional Masonry

How did you meet the Client and what was their background?

Our clients, Martyn and Liz, initially moved into their house and undertook redecoration and a small extension to fulfill their immediate needs and make the house comfortable for the short term. After living in the house for a few years, they embarked on a search for their next property. However, they faced challenges finding a property that matched the location and qualities of their existing home.

Given the difficulties in finding an alternative property, Martyn and Liz considered the possibility of a major remodel that would provide a long-term solution without the need for relocation. They approached us directly, having been familiar with our work and feeling a strong alignment with our creative portfolio, particularly in the context of previous remodel projects we had undertaken. This alignment and their prior knowledge of our work prompted them to reach out to us to explore the potential of transforming their existing home into their ideal long-term living space.

What were their key objectives?

With a growing family they wanted to increase the number of bedrooms whilst enhancing the quality of their existing spaces. They also wanted to deliver comfortable family living spaces to the ground floor with better connections to child friendly external break out spaces. In addition to the accommodation needs they also wanted to update the appearance of the property whilst achieving low maintenance solutions.

What build route did they adopt?

Martin and Liz opted to work with a builder they were already familiar with and preferred. Once we had prepared a comprehensive set of working drawings, schedules, and specifications, the next step was to obtain a price for the construction work. After reviewing the working drawings and specifications, a price for the construction work was agreed upon. With the price settled, construction work commenced. Before the actual construction began, we assisted in establishing a small works contract. This contract outlined the scope of work, payment terms, and the general duties and responsibilities of both parties involved in the project. The chosen builder took on the majority of the construction work. They were responsible for executing the core construction tasks. Martin and Liz took an active role in procuring specific items for the project. They directly appointed specialists for certain aspects of the project, such as windows, the kitchen, and audio-visual elements. Throughout the construction phase, we provided ongoing support to Martin, Liz, and the builder. We made regular site visits and collaborated closely with the builder to address any challenges and avoid potential delays. For example, we played a crucial role in detailing the architectural aluminum flashing required for the large ground floor rear opening. This involved intricate architectural detailing of the pressing profiles, which we then assisted in ordering from a fabricator, arranging for powder coating, and providing guidance to the builder on the installation process.

This approach allowed Martin and Liz to work with a builder they trusted while benefiting from our expertise and support in navigating complex architectural details and ensuring the project progressed smoothly.

What did the initial design stages look like?

The initial design stages of this project followed a structured approach:

1. Opportunity And Constraints Assessment:

We began by conducting discussions with the clients to identify the opportunities for extending their property. These opportunities were largely constrained by the site's characteristics and the neighboring properties.

2. Design Exploration:

Once the potential areas for extending were identified, we initiated the exploration of design options. While there were limitations on the mass and bulk of the extension due to site and neighbouring property considerations, there were various possibilities to explore regarding the internal spatial arrangement.

3. Option Analysis:

We thoroughly explored these design options, considering factors such as potential costs and complexities associated with each alternative. This analysis allowed us to evaluate the feasibility and suitability of each option.

4. Option Selection:

Based on the comprehensive exploration and analysis, we collaboratively selected a single design option that best aligned with their most important objectives and requirements.

5. Detailed Development:

With the chosen design option in hand, we proceeded to develop it in greater detail. This stage involved refining the design and exploring sub-options, including variations in furniture arrangements, architectural features, and external materials.

This structured approach to the initial design stages ensured that the final design not only met the client's key objectives but also considered important factors like cost, complexity, and aesthetics. It allowed us to arrive at a design that both satisfied the clients' needs and could be effectively translated into a successful project.

Were there any challenges securing the planning consent?

Securing planning consent for this project was a straightforward process. During the earlier concept design stage, we had proactively identified and addressed most of the constraints that might have raised concerns with the local planning authority. Consequently, no significant changes or alterations were required to obtain planning consent, and the consent was issued within the expected timeframe. Our comprehensive approach to addressing planning considerations in the initial stages of the project contributed to this smooth planning consent process.

After securing planning consent, what did you provide to allow the project to move forward?

After securing planning consent, our focus shifted to facilitating the project's progression. Here is a breakdown of the steps we took:

1. Working Drawings and Contract Preliminaries:

We began by developing a set of working drawings and contract preliminaries. These documents were crucial in allowing the chosen builder to provide a fixed cost estimate for the project.

2. Technical Design Coordination:

Before finalising the price, scope, and specifications with the builder, we undertook a comprehensive technical design phase. This stage involved coordinating with the builder and managing the structural engineer. Our goal was to ensure that the technical design was fully aligned with the project's requirements and that any discussions and negotiations with the builder were reflected accurately in the design.

3. Cost Efficiency and Coordination:

Throughout this phase, we played a lead coordinating role. We worked to simplify solutions where appropriate and identified opportunities for cost efficiency wherever possible. This helped streamline the project and optimize its cost-effectiveness.

4. Construction Contract:

Before commencing the construction work, we prepared and executed a simple homeowner construction contract. This contract outlined the overarching agreement and duties for both parties, providing a clear framework for the project's execution.

5. Ongoing Support:

Throughout the construction phase, we made ourselves available for any site queries and provided support as needed. We conducted site visits on an ad-hoc basis to advise and assist the delivery team, ensuring that the project progressed smoothly and in accordance with the design and contractual arrangements.

Our role during this phase was to act as a bridge between the design and construction stages, facilitating effective communication, coordination, and decision-making to ensure the successful realization of the project.

How was your experience during the construction phase?

Our experience during the construction phase was generally positive. While the client primarily liaised directly with the builder throughout this phase, we were called upon to assist with specific items that the builder may have been less familiar with or required additional guidance on.

In the later stages of the project, as is often the case towards the project's completion, there were some challenges. These typically arise when both the client and the builder are exerting extra effort to finalise the works, and day-to-day tensions can occasionally surface. In such situations, having a well-structured contract and associated documents in place proved invaluable. This clear framework helped resolve any issues that arose in an equitable manner.

Our role during this phase was to provide an independent perspective on certain specific issues, and we were able to assist in their satisfactory resolution. Effective communication, clarity in contractual arrangements, and our presence as an impartial party contributed to the successful navigation of any challenges encountered during construction.

How would you summarise the overall process and finished property?

In summary, this remodel project presented its share of challenges, at times even leading to discussions about the possibility of complete demolition and rebuilding. Drawing upon our experiences from both smaller remodel projects and larger new builds, we were able to provide Martin and Liz with valuable insights and guidance, facilitating informed decision-making. Ultimately, the project remained viable as a remodel.

While some aspects of the existing property underwent minor changes, a key focus was on optimising the flow, ambiance, and management of natural light. This transformation resulted in a completely different living experience. Striking a balance between enhancing existing spaces and introducing new, larger open-plan areas yielded a coherent and harmonious feel throughout the property. This approach effectively disguised the fact that it was a remodel, achieving results comparable to those of a new build but in a cost-effective manner.

The landscaping aspect of the project was planned as a subsequent phase, to be undertaken after Martin and Liz moved back into their transformed home. We were commissioned to design the external spaces, which, upon completion, complemented the finished house beautifully, providing a comprehensive and integrated solution for the entire property. The project, as a whole, resulted in a stunning and functional living space that met the clients' long-term needs and aspirations.

What did the Client say about their journey with you?

“We asked Tony to come up with some design proposals to transform our existing property into something that would meet our current and future lifestyle needs.  From the first concepts, it was clear that we had made the right decision and over the next few months we developed the design with Tony's guidance until we ended up with a design for our forever home. 

11 months after breaking ground we moved back into our 'forever' home and couldn't be happier with the results. I would highly recommend Tony and his team for any of your architectural and design needs.

More recently after living in the house for a year, we asked Tony to design our landscaping. He prepared a stunning design that links our new home to quality external living spaces and the whole property now delivers a seamless experience throughout.”

- Mr & Mrs Jenkins